Additional Services

Additional Services

Major Repair Specialist
We specialize in difficult, major repair work:
  • We can locate tree root damage by electronic means
  • We can track wires and locate buried solenoid valves
  • We can snake pipes and locate plugged fittings
  • We can locate pin hole leaks
Recordkeeping and Organization
Recordkeeping and organization are very important tools in properly maintaining your sprinkler system.
1. We maintain a file on each house or property that we service. If our customer moves out, we simply change the name of the file when the new homeowner moves in. This information is vital in making future informed major repair decisions.
2. We also maintain pertinent information in our computer database which is backed up on a daily basis. This information is printed on each work order so that the technician is familiar with your system before he rings the doorbell. He knows the type of system you have, either city water or a pump system, and the type and location of your plumbing or your controller if you have one. Also, he knows the location of drains either inside or outside of your home, or any other important information about your system.
3. Our file also contains a map showing exactly where the jobsite is located. This map is then attached to the work order so that our servicemen know exactly where the property is located and the best route to get there.
4. Your time is extremely valuable and so is ours. We schedule all work by appointment within a two-hour time frame, except the first appointment which is in a one hour time frame. Our on time record averages better than 95 percent.
5. Our trucks are very organized and stocked with hundreds of parts. We carry most major brands so that we can service any type of sprinkler system. We have an inventory control system on each truck and an inventory control person in our office. The objective is to always have the needed parts to repair your sprinkler system so that return trips are not required in most cases.
6. We have the most advanced communication equipment so that our trucks have instant communication with our office or our customer. Our service techs also carry other equipment to speed up on site communication.

Worton Irrigation
3059 Dixie Hwy Ste. B
Waterford, MI 48328

Mailing address
P.O. Box 7770
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: (248) 338-1496
Fax: (248) 599-7451
Email Us

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